Begin brushing. Small circles. Hum songs about the sea, call the ceiling captain, and allow minty froth to explore your cheeks and seep into your hair. Once every tooth is clean, and once your mouth is overtaken with glorious explosions of freshness, slobber for a moment in silence. Kick your legs.

When the moment is just right, burst into the most enthusiastic sea shanty you can muster.
Eventually, rinse.
Harold I think this is a great idea, especially if one is trying to get young children into brushing their teeth. :)
ReplyDeleteI find that an even more effective method for teeth-brushing is to hum songs about cupboards. Sea songs lead to pirate imagery, and pirates have horrible teeth. Cupboards, on the other hand, open to display gleaming rows of washed cups. Cupboards are much more inspiring for dental hygiene.
Hope this helps,